In the heart of Enchanted, a mysterious crystal ball glows with an ethereal light. Within its depths, the enigmatic figure of Dr. Zodiac, a trapped witch doctor, can be seen. Dr. Zodiac offers psychic readings, revealing secrets of the past, present, and future to those brave enough to seek his counsel. His presence adds an air of mystique and wonder to the bar, captivating all who encounter his otherworldly gaze.
Origin Story: Centuries ago, on a secluded Polynesian island, a secretive society known as the Order of the Hidden Moon embarked on an expedition to uncover ancient mysteries. Among their discoveries was a powerful witch doctor named Dr. Zodiac, renowned for his unparalleled mastery of the arcane arts and his ability to commune with spirits.
Dr. Zodiac’s knowledge was both revered and feared. He wielded his powers to heal the sick, protect the islanders, and foresee events yet to come. However, his growing influence attracted the attention of dark forces, who sought to harness his abilities for their own nefarious purposes.
In a desperate bid to protect his people and his sacred knowledge, Dr. Zodiac performed a powerful ritual, binding his spirit within a crystal ball. This act ensured that his wisdom would remain safe from those who would misuse it, but it also trapped him in a state of eternal vigilance.
The crystal ball was hidden away, guarded by the Order of the Hidden Moon, until it was rediscovered by modern explorers. The Society, intrigued by the legends and the promise of untold secrets, brought the crystal ball to Enchanted, where Dr. Zodiac now resides, offering his psychic readings to those who dare to peer into the unknown.